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Issue with dig and resolver1.opendns.com · Issue #12 I'm unable to reproduce this. What does "dig @ resolver1.opendns.com" output? Alternately, if OpenDNS isn't working for you for some reason, you could try using the -s flag and piping "curl ipinfo.io/ip" to your gad command. DNS servers in United States

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See all details about IP | PTR record is resolver2.opendns.com. This IP is hosted by Cisco OpenDNS, LLC (AS36692) and located in the country United States. | resolver2-fs.opendns.com - Cisco OpenDNS See all details about IP | PTR record is resolver2-fs.opendns.com. This IP is hosted by Cisco OpenDNS, LLC (AS36692) and located in the country United States. Umbrella > - OpenDNS Email or Username . Password . Forgot password? | Single sign on Finding and Fixing Open DNS Resolvers May 13, 2014