Hi, I am working with our voice engineers to implement Avaya IP phones at a new site. We have created the necessary DHCP scope options 176 and 242 (with TFTP server specified) for both the data
DHCP Option 242 | Fortinet Technical Discussion Forums Aug 08, 2013 How to Configure Additional DHCP Options | Barracuda Campus Apr 22, 2020 Solved: DHCP IP assignment avaya phone - Cisco Community The data vlan on the DHCP server has option 176 (for 46XX phones) and option 242 (96XX) phone. Since the avaya phone cannot learn about the "voice vlan" via CDP, DHCP must tell it where to go. The 176/242 scope is setup as follows (ON THE DATA VLAN): L2Q=1,L2QVLAN=XXX (XX being the voice vlan) How to Assign DHCP Options to Avaya 96XX and 46XX Phones
Option 242 was added as a string and without a default value. After we added the predefined option, we then added the option to all of our desired scopes without a problem. The predefined options list showed the new 242 option and under each scope option we applied it to as expected. After closing the DHCP console and then going back in, the
How to add Avaya 242 option into DHCP Server | Cloud Build
Diffserv code point for VoIP signalling and media streams. 135. HTTP Proxy For Phone Applications
How to set up Windows DHCP Server – IP Office Assistance Jun 10, 2013 DHCP Option Numbers Diffserv code point for VoIP signalling and media streams. 135. HTTP Proxy For Phone Applications How to add Avaya 242 option into DHCP Server | Cloud Build Dec 01, 2017 Avaya J179 and J139 on Avaya IPO R11.0 SP2 to use